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Re: Secure HTTP mailing list

>Just to set the facts, CommerceNet received $6 million from the federal
>government over three years.  This has to be matched by equal amounts from
>other sources - companies, for example.  Hence, CommerceNet members are
>paying membership fees to the consortium.

>The reference implementations for S-HTTP were developed not by CommerceNet, but
>by EIT in partnership with RSA Data Security and NCSA.  The CommerceNet
>community is a place where this technology is being evaluated.


Thanks for the clarifications.  My apologies for the perhaps misleading


Joe Andrieu                          *Internet Construction Ahead*
andrieu@presence.com                      http://www.presence.com/
V.P. of Marketing                              voice: 800-626-6100
Presence Information Design                    fax:   818-405-1817